Why everyone needs a wig
We took a poll of our Hairly Community on Instagram a few days ago. 100% voted for wigs over sew ins. We went ahead to understand why?
Could it be that the wig trend is just resetting and getting even more popular? Here are our reasons why everyone must own a wig!!!
Saves Time
Wigs save you time. Perfect to get you ready on time for work, school runs, zoom meetings, date nights, party celebrations! You name it
They save time
Wigs protect your natural hair underneath by limiting exposure to heated tools and harmful chemicals. It prevent your natural hair/ curls druing out and gives your hair a safe space to thrive.
Have you had a big chop? Or are you just trying to grow your hair out again? Wigs are a great option to support this lifestyle.
Less Manipulation
Gives your hair a break and allows hair to grow longer and stronger.
Gives you a different look with permanently damaging your natural hair with hot tools or chemicals.
We carry out weekly polls on our instagram page. Why not follow us @hairlystore and get involved? Your opinion matters to us.
Hairly Team.